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[Java版资讯] Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 3(未翻译)




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科比勋章_冰红茶神权论坛勋章论坛十周年纪念勋章石镐矿工勋章铁镐矿工勋章钻镐矿工勋章青苹果勋章红苹果勋章金苹果勋章小麦种勋章苹果树勋章下界疣勋章面包勋章曲奇勋章荣誉版主勋章骨灰勋章猪灵勋章Java正版勋章Windows 10正版勋章搬运工勋章新闻官勋章疯狂搬运工勋章金锭勋章金块勋章

发表于 2024-6-7 09:44:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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The third pre-release for 1.21 is now available and it comes with even more bugfixes!
Additionally, we introduced some intentional but undocumented changes to the Wind Burst Enchantment in Pre-Release 1 last week. To remedy this, we're including those changes in this changelog instead.
Happy mining!

ChangesWind Burst
  • Following changes were introduced in Pre-Release 1; The Wind Burst enchantment now bounces the player 7 blocks up per enchantment level
    • With great power comes great responsibility - and risk! At level 3, the enchantment will bounce the player 21 blocks up which doing some quick maths will hurt quite a bit when hitting the ground again
    • In other words, make sure you have a target locked in (or other means of mitigating the fall damage) before making contact with the ground again

Technical Changes
  • Data Pack version is now 48

Data Pack Version 48
  • replace_disc entity effect type is renamed to replace_disk

Fixed bugs in 1.21 Pre-Release 3
  • MC-252817 - Placing a map into an item frame and removing it does not remove the green player marker
  • MC-267988 - Tamed entities ignore their "LookAtPlayerGoal" distance and look in the direction of their owners from any distance when being stood up
  • MC-272194 - Empty Attribute Modifiers lost during upgrade
  • MC-272565 - Hanging leashed boats gain excessive upward momentum
  • MC-272577 - Summoning any entity with rotation causes it to be rotated incorrectly
  • MC-272582 - Mip-mapping not properly applied to moss carpet
  • MC-272661 - Entities have incorrect rotations after loading or reloading a world
  • MC-272670 - Crash while saving entity NBT - Cannot encode empty ItemStack
  • MC-272772 - Leashed Boats' leashes disappear upon rejoining world
  • MC-272789 - Leashing a boat to a fence which already has a lead attached to it removes the existing lead rather than attaching the new one
  • MC-272798 - Teleporting a leashed boat (with chest) or raft (with chest) to another dimension makes a ghost lead
  • MC-272809 - Placed boats/rafts no longer face the same direction as the player
  • MC-272814 - Entering an end gateway does not consistently grant the Remote Getaway advancement
  • MC-272827 - Unleashing boats leashed to fences via Use Item/Place Block drops the lead in Creative mode
  • MC-272843 - Stepping up blocks while falling on the side of them can sometimes allow players to climb to normally unreachable heights
  • MC-272854 - Crash when entity is leashed by non-LivingEntity
  • MC-272870 - /execute on leasher does not work for leashed boats
  • MC-272879 - Entering an End portal makes you face the entering direction rather than always facing west
  • MC-272886 - Maces incorrectly cause damage to the player
  • MC-272901 - Boats & Rafts with Chests cannot be leashed if they have a passenger

Get the Pre-Release

Pre-Releases are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Pre-Release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here:
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